Eğitim: Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
İhtisas: Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi Ve Travmatoloji Kliniği
- Spor Yaralanmaları
- Ayak Cerrahisi
- El ve Mikrocerrahi
- Ortopedik Travmalar
- Artroskopi ve Diz Cerrahisi
Üye Olduğu Dernekler:
- Türk Spor Yaralanmaları Artroskopi ve Diz Cerrahisi Derneği
1974 yılında Kadirli Osmaniye’de doğdu. İlk, orta ve lise öğrenimini Kadirli’de tamamladı. Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’nden 1997 yılında mezun oldu. Aynı yıl Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kliniği’nde uzmanlık eğitimine başladı. 2000 yılında Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kliniği’ne geçti. 2005 yılında Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim Dalı’nda uzmanlığını tamamladı.
Eğitim ve görev amaçlı olarak, Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji, İzmir El ve Mikrocerrahi Hastanesi, İzmir Mevki Asker Hastanesi, Kapadokya Özel Versa Hastanesi, Tarsus Medical Park Hastanesi’nde görev yaptı. Tarsus İdman Yurdu Futbol Kulübü, Belediye Bayan Basketbol Takımı, Mersin Büyükşehir Belediye Spor Kulübü, Mersin Üniversitesi Bayan Basketbol Takımı gibi takımların da kulüp doktorluğunu yürüten Ali Yılmaz, 2014 yılından beri Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Uzmanı olarak Özel Mersin Sistem Cerrahi Tıp Merkezi’nde hasta kabul etmektedir.
Hello Dr (Ali) Yilmaz!
How are you?. I am very pleased to tell you an excellent news. Two months later and thanks to your skilful hands, your exquisite professionalism and my success about the physiotherapy exercises,(I am joking. The success is absolutely yours) my left arm almost works as it did before it was broken.CONGRATULATIONS!!!
I have been thinking about how many hours took you the operation. I remember your words “The operation was terrible, but do not worry, your arm is perfect” and I was sure you were saying the truth. However, when I read the diagnosis and the process translated into Spanish from Turkish I understood why you were so tired the following morning. I have another question for you. It is about my travel agency insurance. I can not trust in them. They do not seem serious to me. Could you tell me if they paid a thousand and two hundred euros for me to the hospital?
Two different radiologists said to me that your operation was great. My answer was “I know it”, but I am delighted to hear it from you because you are an expert in this particular field.
I am going to the hospital again in eleven days’s time. They’ll make me a new X-ray in the morning and I’ll go to the doctor’s in the afternoon. I hope your colleague tell me if I need to do more phisiotherapy exercises or not that day.
When I don’t need to come back to the doctor’s because of my broken arm I’ll send another mail to you. Thanks to you again for your excellent work. Greetings from Rosa María Gómez and my friends Sagrario and Mariano (the couple who went with me to the hospital. Tell everyone I met Hello from me.
Bonjour Docteur Ali…
Dear Doctor Ali,
As told, I hereby give you some news.
Back in France, I went to see an orthopaedic specialist in order to monitor the healing of my broken leg.
He was very happy to be in possession of the pre and post X-ray of the operation, as well as the minutes of the surgery (that we are trying to let translate).
He was very comfortable with the quality of your work and would like to know the reference and the supplier of the material you used. Could you kindly provide us with those informations ?
A new X-ray control has been planned in fifteen days. I will surely keep you informed of the results.
I want as well to thank you for the quality of your treatment and surgery as well as your kindness. Please pass my word to the whole team and in particular to Assia, Fatma and the man that used to bring me my breakfast.
While waiting for your answer, I attach few memories to this email…
Very kind regards,
Anita Pesqueux
Dear Dr Ali;
I’m very touched and grateful that you still worry about my health and thank you ever so much.
I’m well. Five and a half months after the accident i walk easily short distances. Unfortunately long distances are more difficult and i need pain killers to help me. I have a problem concering the ossification of the bone. The last Xray report read: ‘ slight lateral ossification and no sign of frontal ossification’.
This is why my french surgeon wanted to take out the upper screws under the knee to liberate the medullary nail in order to activate and strengthen the bone. All the other osteosynthetic material hasn’t been moved.
This operation took place on the 23rd of october.
I have got an appointment for X ray check on the 4th of december.
I will of course keep you up dated.
In summary, i am well. I was very well operated by you.
It is only the consolidation of the bone which is slow due to my osteoporosis which i have been treating over the last 6 years.
Once again thank you so much for your concerns on my behalf and your professional work.
Hoping to hear from you soon and maybe seeing you at Paris one day, we would be happy to welcome you here.
Best wishes
Dr. Ali,
Thank you very much indeed. I appreciate your effort. If you visit Spain and you need something please don´t hesitate to contact me. I repeat again thank you very much.
Best regards,
Fernando and Mari Carmen
La visite des temples et des tombeaux nous plonge quelques millenaires en arriere, bien loin du 21e siecle.
La beaute des sites stimule notre imagination.
De plus, les rayons de ‘RE’ nous accompagnent quotidiennement.
Merveileuse croisiere sur le Nil.
Bises de Claude et Anita
Dear Dr. Ali.
First of all I would like to apologize for taking so long on writing to you. It´s been almost a week since we came back from Turkiye. My father is recovering amazingly fast. Trip back to Spain was hard to take, sixteen hours, but finally he´s home, all of us.
Here in Spain Doctor who inspected him told us that it was a nicely done operation, on his words “I couldn´t even see the fracture.., almost invisible, well done, congratulations to Doctor”.
I would like to thank you again for all the things you and the personnel on the hospital did on that hard circunstances we´ve been through. It has been my first trip to Turkiye, and I got impressed with such a hospitality and kindness of you turkish people. I have to come back again.
I´m sending you a photo taken last day (Monday the 29th of March) with all my best regards and wishes to you and all the personnel on Versa. We´ll keep in touch and I will inform you about the progress on my father´s evolution.
Un fuerte abrazo.
Victor Aller.
Hello Dr. Ali,
we are in France, the travel was long! My mother is at French hospital the French doctor as said that the operation was very well !! You have done a very good operation!! Thank you very much!!!
We say a great hello to all the persons who have help us during the stay at hospital! Thank very much to you and the all personal , and nurses !! See you maybe a next time if we return in Turkia!
Good bye!
Maryline Piffault
Dear Sir,
we returned on Sunday morning. All went good.
I’m feeling good, no pains. Yesterday I had an appointment by a specialiste (orthopedist). He was very satisfieded, when he looked at X-rays. Every chip was put at the right place.
My doctor had only praise for you, you have done very well. By the way, he told me that the worldwide best neuro-orthopedist comes from your country – Turkey.
Again many thanks and all the best for you
Yours sincerly
Renate und Peter Wetzel
Dear Dr. Yilmaz,
First, I want to apologize for taking so long to send you an email. We had so much to take care of after returning to the USA. We had a long and tiring trip back and did not arrive home in Tampa, Florida until 4:00 am Tuesday morning. I visited my local orthopedic surgeon on Wednesday afternoon. He could not believe I could have done as much damage as I did getting out of a balloon basket. He said it looked like someone had hit my ankle with a large hammer or maybe I had been hit by a bus! He was very pleased with your repair surgery and said he could not have done it better. He was happy…..and I am happy. He cleaned and redressed the ankle and said he would see me in a week to remove the stitches and put on a hard cast. His prognosis was for a full and complete recovery.
I saw very little of the country of Turkey as my trip was cut short by my accident but I realize that I was able to experience firsthand some of the warmth and kindness of the people of Turkey through the actions of you and the staff at the VERSA hospital. I give you my sincere thanks and please pass along to the others that I appreciate their help and kindness.
thank you again,
Atlee Harmon
Hello Dr. Ali,
my leg is fine and I don´t have any pain. I went to the hospital yesterday, to control my leg. The doctors said that my leg is healing very good. They also said that the operation had been done very good, great thanks to you. They told me that I will be able to use my leg as normal on the 25th of June.
I will let you know how my leg feels, when the (gips) is down.
Johanna Urbanek
Went to Dr today and everything looks great. He put me in a boot ( not a rigid cast) and I am happy. I can exercise my ankle a little.
Best regards
Atlee Harmon
As i promis, I send you a mail about the opinion of my french doctor on your work.
He saw my leg and the X-ray, and he said that the work is very clean, no inflammation around the wounds.
His recommandations are:
- not set foot on the ground during 45 days minimum, then I will have an X ray of control, and the reeducation
- Change the compresses every 2 days
- Ending the box of antibiotics you gave to me
- Leaving the agrafs at the end of the next week
You did a good work, thanks you very much!
You are welcome at home if you come in south of France!
See you,
Corentin (“Coco”)
Dear Dr. Ali Yilmaz,
We want to thank you !!! Some weeks ago you did a perfect operation regarding a finger of my wife. Today the nail was removed by her German doctor and everything seems to be OK. This doctor told us that your work was excellent !!! Hope to meet you again. We have a house in Uchisar and will come a lot of times.
Selamlar Dieter
Hello Ali,
six weeks after your brilliant operation the metal rods in my hand have been removed and the healing is still in good progress with support of physic therapy. motility of the fingers is quite good – the next step is to improve wrist turns. after a pause of seven weeks i’ll continue my labour next week. in about six months time the remaining metal plate will be removed. owing to your good surgery job i am looking forward to outdoor activities where all hands are needed.
Best regards
Dear Dr. Ali,
I would first like to apologize for my late reply. I rise today only after a further appointment with a surgeon who treated after removal of the set screw on the inflammation. In a week I will introduce myself to use wet compresses again. My understanding is that you had surgery done a good job. I am writing, if there is something new.
Sunny greetings from the hot Germany
Silvia Lindauer-Ripke
J’ai consulté le Docteur Stéphane André, Chirurgien orthopédique et Traumatologique, au Centre Médicale “Les Presles” 25, rue du Commandant Bouchet 93800 Epinay-sur-Seine; celui-ci m’a dit que vous aviez fait du bon travail. J’ai ds piqures d’anticoagulant tous les jours pendant u mois; je dois le revoir le 23 Octobre et passer une radio.
Encore merci, j’ai beaucoup apprècié votre gentillesse et les compétences de votre service.
Eğitim: Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
İhtisas: Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi Ve Travmatoloji Kliniği
Tıbbi İlgi Alan ve Aktiviteleri
- Spor Yaralanmaları
- Ayak Cerrahisi
- El ve Mikrocerrahi
- Ortopedik Travmalar
- Artroskopi ve Diz Cerrahisi
Üye Olduğu Dernekler:
- Türk Spor Yaralanmaları Artroskopi ve Diz Cerrahisi Derneği
1974 yılında Kadirli Osmaniye’de doğdu. İlk, orta ve lise öğrenimini Kadirli’de tamamladı. Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’nden 1997 yılında mezun oldu. Aynı yıl Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kliniği’nde uzmanlık eğitimine başladı. 2000 yılında Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kliniği’ne geçti. 2005 yılında Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim Dalı’nda uzmanlığını tamamladı.
Eğitim ve görev amaçlı olarak, Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji, İzmir El ve Mikrocerrahi Hastanesi, İzmir Mevki Asker Hastanesi, Kapadokya Özel Versa Hastanesi, Tarsus Medical Park Hastanesi’nde görev yaptı. Tarsus İdman Yurdu Futbol Kulübü, Belediye Bayan Basketbol Takımı, Mersin Büyükşehir Belediye Spor Kulübü, Mersin Üniversitesi Bayan Basketbol Takımı gibi takımların da kulüp doktorluğunu yürüten Ali Yılmaz, 2014 yılından beri Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Uzmanı olarak Özel Mersin Sistem Cerrahi Tıp Merkezi’nde hasta kabul etmektedir.
Memnuniyet Yazıları
Rosa-María Gómez
Hello Dr (Ali) Yilmaz!
How are you?. I am very pleased to tell you an excellent news. Two months later and thanks to your skilful hands, your exquisite professionalism and my success about the physiotherapy exercises,(I am joking. The success is absolutely yours) my left arm almost works as it did before it was broken.CONGRATULATIONS!!!
I have been thinking about how many hours took you the operation. I remember your words “The operation was terrible, but do not worry, your arm is perfect” and I was sure you were saying the truth. However, when I read the diagnosis and the process translated into Spanish from Turkish I understood why you were so tired the following morning. I have another question for you. It is about my travel agency insurance. I can not trust in them. They do not seem serious to me. Could you tell me if they paid a thousand and two hundred euros for me to the hospital?
Two different radiologists said to me that your operation was great. My answer was “I know it”, but I am delighted to hear it from you because you are an expert in this particular field.
I am going to the hospital again in eleven days’s time. They’ll make me a new X-ray in the morning and I’ll go to the doctor’s in the afternoon. I hope your colleague tell me if I need to do more phisiotherapy exercises or not that day.
When I don’t need to come back to the doctor’s because of my broken arm I’ll send another mail to you. Thanks to you again for your excellent work. Greetings from Rosa María Gómez and my friends Sagrario and Mariano (the couple who went with me to the hospital. Tell everyone I met Hello from me.
Anita PesqueuxBonjour Docteur Ali…
Dear Doctor Ali,
As told, I hereby give you some news.
Back in France, I went to see an orthopaedic specialist in order to monitor the healing of my broken leg.
He was very happy to be in possession of the pre and post X-ray of the operation, as well as the minutes of the surgery (that we are trying to let translate).
He was very comfortable with the quality of your work and would like to know the reference and the supplier of the material you used. Could you kindly provide us with those informations ?
A new X-ray control has been planned in fifteen days. I will surely keep you informed of the results.
I want as well to thank you for the quality of your treatment and surgery as well as your kindness. Please pass my word to the whole team and in particular to Assia, Fatma and the man that used to bring me my breakfast.
While waiting for your answer, I attach few memories to this email…
Very kind regards,
Anita Pesqueux
AnitaDear Dr Ali;
I’m very touched and grateful that you still worry about my health and thank you ever so much.
I’m well. Five and a half months after the accident i walk easily short distances. Unfortunately long distances are more difficult and i need pain killers to help me. I have a problem concering the ossification of the bone. The last Xray report read: ‘ slight lateral ossification and no sign of frontal ossification’.
This is why my french surgeon wanted to take out the upper screws under the knee to liberate the medullary nail in order to activate and strengthen the bone. All the other osteosynthetic material hasn’t been moved.
This operation took place on the 23rd of october.
I have got an appointment for X ray check on the 4th of december.
I will of course keep you up dated.
In summary, i am well. I was very well operated by you.
It is only the consolidation of the bone which is slow due to my osteoporosis which i have been treating over the last 6 years.
Once again thank you so much for your concerns on my behalf and your professional work.
Hoping to hear from you soon and maybe seeing you at Paris one day, we would be happy to welcome you here.Best wishes
Fernando and Mari CarmenDr. Ali,
Thank you very much indeed. I appreciate your effort. If you visit Spain and you need something please don´t hesitate to contact me. I repeat again thank you very much.
Best regards,
Fernando and Mari Carmen
Bises de Claude et AnitaLa visite des temples et des tombeaux nous plonge quelques millenaires en arriere, bien loin du 21e siecle.
La beaute des sites stimule notre imagination.
De plus, les rayons de ‘RE’ nous accompagnent quotidiennement.
Merveileuse croisiere sur le Nil.
Bises de Claude et Anita
Victor AllerDear Dr. Ali.
First of all I would like to apologize for taking so long on writing to you. It´s been almost a week since we came back from Turkiye. My father is recovering amazingly fast. Trip back to Spain was hard to take, sixteen hours, but finally he´s home, all of us.
Here in Spain Doctor who inspected him told us that it was a nicely done operation, on his words “I couldn´t even see the fracture.., almost invisible, well done, congratulations to Doctor”.
I would like to thank you again for all the things you and the personnel on the hospital did on that hard circunstances we´ve been through. It has been my first trip to Turkiye, and I got impressed with such a hospitality and kindness of you turkish people. I have to come back again.
I´m sending you a photo taken last day (Monday the 29th of March) with all my best regards and wishes to you and all the personnel on Versa. We´ll keep in touch and I will inform you about the progress on my father´s evolution.
Un fuerte abrazo.
Victor Aller.
Maryline PiffaultHello Dr. Ali,
we are in France, the travel was long! My mother is at French hospital the French doctor as said that the operation was very well !! You have done a very good operation!! Thank you very much!!!
We say a great hello to all the persons who have help us during the stay at hospital! Thank very much to you and the all personal , and nurses !! See you maybe a next time if we return in Turkia!Good bye!
Maryline Piffault
Renate und Peter WetzelDear Sir,
we returned on Sunday morning. All went good.
I’m feeling good, no pains. Yesterday I had an appointment by a specialiste (orthopedist). He was very satisfieded, when he looked at X-rays. Every chip was put at the right place.
My doctor had only praise for you, you have done very well. By the way, he told me that the worldwide best neuro-orthopedist comes from your country – Turkey.
Again many thanks and all the best for you
Yours sincerly
Renate und Peter Wetzel
Atlee HarmonDear Dr. Yilmaz,
First, I want to apologize for taking so long to send you an email. We had so much to take care of after returning to the USA. We had a long and tiring trip back and did not arrive home in Tampa, Florida until 4:00 am Tuesday morning. I visited my local orthopedic surgeon on Wednesday afternoon. He could not believe I could have done as much damage as I did getting out of a balloon basket. He said it looked like someone had hit my ankle with a large hammer or maybe I had been hit by a bus! He was very pleased with your repair surgery and said he could not have done it better. He was happy…..and I am happy. He cleaned and redressed the ankle and said he would see me in a week to remove the stitches and put on a hard cast. His prognosis was for a full and complete recovery.
I saw very little of the country of Turkey as my trip was cut short by my accident but I realize that I was able to experience firsthand some of the warmth and kindness of the people of Turkey through the actions of you and the staff at the VERSA hospital. I give you my sincere thanks and please pass along to the others that I appreciate their help and kindness.
thank you again,Atlee Harmon
Johanna UrbanekHello Dr. Ali,
my leg is fine and I don´t have any pain. I went to the hospital yesterday, to control my leg. The doctors said that my leg is healing very good. They also said that the operation had been done very good, great thanks to you. They told me that I will be able to use my leg as normal on the 25th of June.
I will let you know how my leg feels, when the (gips) is down.
Johanna Urbanek
Atlee HarmonWent to Dr today and everything looks great. He put me in a boot ( not a rigid cast) and I am happy. I can exercise my ankle a little.
Best regards
Atlee Harmon
As i promis, I send you a mail about the opinion of my french doctor on your work.
He saw my leg and the X-ray, and he said that the work is very clean, no inflammation around the wounds.
His recommandations are:
- not set foot on the ground during 45 days minimum, then I will have an X ray of control, and the reeducation
- Change the compresses every 2 days
- Ending the box of antibiotics you gave to me
- Leaving the agrafs at the end of the next week
You did a good work, thanks you very much!
You are welcome at home if you come in south of France!
See you,
Corentin (“Coco”)
Diethelm & Siegrid KnoerzerDear Dr. Ali Yilmaz,
We want to thank you !!! Some weeks ago you did a perfect operation regarding a finger of my wife. Today the nail was removed by her German doctor and everything seems to be OK. This doctor told us that your work was excellent !!! Hope to meet you again. We have a house in Uchisar and will come a lot of times.
Selamlar Dieter
Walter BiselliHello Ali,
six weeks after your brilliant operation the metal rods in my hand have been removed and the healing is still in good progress with support of physic therapy. motility of the fingers is quite good – the next step is to improve wrist turns. after a pause of seven weeks i’ll continue my labour next week. in about six months time the remaining metal plate will be removed. owing to your good surgery job i am looking forward to outdoor activities where all hands are needed.
Best regards
Silvia Lindauer-RipkeDear Dr. Ali,
I would first like to apologize for my late reply. I rise today only after a further appointment with a surgeon who treated after removal of the set screw on the inflammation. In a week I will introduce myself to use wet compresses again. My understanding is that you had surgery done a good job. I am writing, if there is something new.
Sunny greetings from the hot Germany
Silvia Lindauer-Ripke
Micheline RICHARDDocteur,
J’ai consulté le Docteur Stéphane André, Chirurgien orthopédique et Traumatologique, au Centre Médicale “Les Presles” 25, rue du Commandant Bouchet 93800 Epinay-sur-Seine; celui-ci m’a dit que vous aviez fait du bon travail. J’ai ds piqures d’anticoagulant tous les jours pendant u mois; je dois le revoir le 23 Octobre et passer une radio.
Encore merci, j’ai beaucoup apprècié votre gentillesse et les compétences de votre service.