Bonjour Docteur Ali…
Dear Doctor Ali,
As told, I hereby give you some news.
Back in France, I went to see an orthopaedic specialist in order to monitor the healing of my broken leg.
He was very happy to be in possession of the pre and post X-ray of the operation, as well as the minutes of the surgery (that we are trying to let translate).
He was very comfortable with the quality of your work and would like to know the reference and the supplier of the material you used. Could you kindly provide us with those informations ?
A new X-ray control has been planned in fifteen days. I will surely keep you informed of the results.
I want as well to thank you for the quality of your treatment and surgery as well as your kindness. Please pass my word to the whole team and in particular to Assia, Fatma and the man that used to bring me my breakfast.
While waiting for your answer, I attach few memories to this email…
Very kind regards,
Anita Pesqueux