Dear Dr. Ali.
First of all I would like to apologize for taking so long on writing to you. It´s been almost a week since we came back from Turkiye. My father is recovering amazingly fast. Trip back to Spain was hard to take, sixteen hours, but finally he´s home, all of us.
Here in Spain Doctor who inspected him told us that it was a nicely done operation, on his words “I couldn´t even see the fracture.., almost invisible, well done, congratulations to Doctor”.
I would like to thank you again for all the things you and the personnel on the hospital did on that hard circunstances we´ve been through. It has been my first trip to Turkiye, and I got impressed with such a hospitality and kindness of you turkish people. I have to come back again.
I´m sending you a photo taken last day (Monday the 29th of March) with all my best regards and wishes to you and all the personnel on Versa. We´ll keep in touch and I will inform you about the progress on my father´s evolution.
Un fuerte abrazo.
Victor Aller.