Galip Kirici, M.D.


Education: Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine

Specialization: Dicle University Child Health and Diseases Department

Medical Interests

  • Newborn Period
  • Social Pediatrics
  • Pediatric Infectious Diseases
  • Allergic Diseases of Children
  • Developmental Retardation and Vitamin Deficiencies
  • Child Endocrine Diseases


  • National Pediatrics and Turkish Pediatric Association founder, PUADER Board Member,
  • Together with Icel Art Club; He has membership in more than 20 organizations, including associations, foundations, and NGOs.
  • Mersin Cem House Disciplinary Committee Chairman,
  • Founder of Mersin ZKD Turkish Folk Music Choir.

He was born in Malatya in 1959. He graduated from Mersin Tevfik Sırrı Gür High School. He entered Hacettepe University Department of Mathematics in 1976, but after studying for a year, he took the exam again and won the Eskisehir Medical Faculty. He continued his education at Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine and graduated in 1984. With compulsory service drawing, he started to serve as Chief Physician at Tunceli Trachom War Dispensary. He completed Tunceli Health Directorate and Tunceli Social Services Provincial Directorate for nearly a year. In 1987, he was appointed to Ankara Maternal Child Health and Family Planning Center and in 1989 he started to work as an assistant in Dicle University Faculty of Medicine Pediatrics Department. In 1994, he was appointed to Mersin Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning. From 1998 to 2019, he continued his freelance practice. Finally, he is still working as a Pediatrician Specialist at Mersin System Surgery Medical Center.


Education: Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine

Specialization: Dicle University Child Health and Diseases Department

Medical Interests and Activities

Medical Interests

  • Newborn Period
  • Social Pediatrics
  • Pediatric Infectious Diseases
  • Allergic Diseases of Children
  • Developmental Retardation and Vitamin Deficiencies
  • Child Endocrine Diseases


  • National Pediatrics and Turkish Pediatric Association founder, PUADER Board Member,
  • Together with Icel Art Club; He has membership in more than 20 organizations, including associations, foundations, and NGOs.
  • Mersin Cem House Disciplinary Committee Chairman,
  • Founder of Mersin ZKD Turkish Folk Music Choir.

He was born in Malatya in 1959. He graduated from Mersin Tevfik Sırrı Gür High School. He entered Hacettepe University Department of Mathematics in 1976, but after studying for a year, he took the exam again and won the Eskisehir Medical Faculty. He continued his education at Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine and graduated in 1984. With compulsory service drawing, he started to serve as Chief Physician at Tunceli Trachom War Dispensary. He completed Tunceli Health Directorate and Tunceli Social Services Provincial Directorate for nearly a year. In 1987, he was appointed to Ankara Maternal Child Health and Family Planning Center and in 1989 he started to work as an assistant in Dicle University Faculty of Medicine Pediatrics Department. In 1994, he was appointed to Mersin Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning. From 1998 to 2019, he continued his freelance practice. Finally, he is still working as a Pediatrician Specialist at Mersin System Surgery Medical Center.
