Mesotherapy is a treatment method in which special drug mixtures are injected into the skin layer with the help of small needles. Although it has a high cosmetic awareness in the society; It has been used effectively in pain treatment for many years.
It is a very safe option especially for people who are at an advanced age, who use multiple drugs, who have high blood pressure and gastrointestinal diseases. Treatment with a much lower amount of the dose taken is an important advantage for the medications taken by the oral or intramuscular intravenous drugs to have sufficient density in the diseased area.
Because it is a regional treatment method and very low dose of medication is used; Side effects such as high blood pressure, stomach pain, nausea and worsening of blood values are not expected.
Corticosteroids (drugs known as cortisone) used in skeletal-muscular system disorders have no use in mesotherapy. Depending on the current disease, special mixtures of vitamins, anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxant, local anesthetic, anti-spasmodic-like drugs are prepared and injected with the help of very small needles, usually between 4 and 13 mm in length.
Depending on the condition of the disease, the injection method is carried out in the form of sessions consisting of certain day intervals. There is a wide range of applications such as calcification, meniscus injuries, knee, elbow, shoulder-like joint pain, waist, neck and back pain.
Mesotherapy, which has been used safely for many years in the world and in our country, can be performed by certified physicians in our country as a result of the trainings and exams organized by the Ministry of Health.
Alper Uckun, M.D.
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Specialist