Hair loss occurs in women and men due to hormonal imbalance, genetic predisposition, vitamin deficiency, anemia, adverse external physical conditions. The apperance because of the hair loss can cause psychological problems in humans. For this reason, people are looking for a variety of solutions to prevent their hair from falling out, to re-shed hair or to correct the image caused by shed hair.
Hair follicles, especially in the top and forehead region, are damaged and shed as they are sensitive to testosterone hormone. However, the hair follicles between the two ears in the nape region are not shed because they are not sensitive to testosterone hormone.
Hair transplantation is the process of transferring these non-shedding hair follicles to the required area. Healthy hair follicles in the donor area are taken under local anesthesia by the expert team and placed individually in the area where there is an open area.
Hair transplantation is done under local anesthesia. Fort that reason, the person feels very comfortable and does not feel any pain and can communicate during the procedure. Only local anesthetic medications can make you feel a little bit uncomfortable at first. The post-operative process is completed painlessly and quite comfortably with regular use of painkillers and antibiotics recommended by the doctor after the operation.
Hair transplantation can be done to anyone who has no serious illness and who has Androgenetic alopesia (male type hair loss). Male type hair loss develops in people with a genetic predisposition to hair loss under the influence of testosterone, the male hormone. Around the hair follicle, which covers the hair follicle and the hair growing on it, there are cells responsible for feeding the root and therefore the hair. In people with male type hair loss, these nutritious cells die under the influence of the hormone testosterone.
The hair that cannot be fed weakens first, becomes thinner, then begins to grow, and eventually dies and falls out. Hair transplantation is a treatment method that provides permanent solutions for patients with this condition. In addition, in people with other types of hair loss, if there is no problem at the back of the head called the donor area, the area between the neck and the two ears, it can be transplanted with the hair from the donor area.
Red crusts due to blood clotting appear in the area where the operation is sown. The patient is advised to wash his hair regularly after planting, for 10 days, once a day. Crusting is prevented with these washings. These crusts completely pour in 7-10 days, and the cultivation area heals. It is poured on the hair transplanted by the shedding of the formed crust; however, it is not the root that is sown, but the root of the hair, and this loss is normal. Thus, the patient returns to pre-planting within 15 days-1 month. There is no change in this view for a period of 3 months after the operation. At the end of the third month, new hair starts to grow slowly. Visible change in the person who has sowed occurs from the 6th month. After this period, the hair continues to grow with an average increase of 10% every month and at the end of the first year, the patient will have new hair completely.
Hair transplantation may require more than one session depending on whether the patient’s hair loss process is completed or not, depending on the size of the area to be transplanted.
Can Hair Transplantation Operation be applied to Women?
Hair loss problem seen in women is different from men. The level of testosterone hormone in women is quite low in creation than in men. Therefore, the problem of hair loss in women is based on many different reasons. For this reason, the doctor firstly researches the cause of this problem with the patient. As a result of the examinations, if the doctor finds the person suitable for the operation, the same area (the area between the two ears and above the nape) is used as a donor area in women, and the hair follicles taken one by one with the same technique are placed one by one in the same area. If weakness is detected in the hair in areas with no shedding problems, hair strengthening treatments can be applied after the operation.
What Should Be Considered Before Hair Transplantation Operation?
- Health problems of people considering hair transplantation are investigated first (whether the person has diseases such as diabetes, hypertension or epilepsy is questioned).
- The person’s blood tests are done.
- It is questioned whether the person is allergic to anesthetic drugs to be used in the operation.
- It is questioned whether the person has a psychological problem and whether he / she is using a psychiatric drug.
- The person should not be tired on the day of the operation.
- Due to the negative effects of smoking on the wound healing process, it is recommended that the person quits smoking a week earlier or reduces it as much as possible.
- It is recommended that the patient should not use alcohol and its derivatives from one week before the operation.
- The patient is recommended to stop using blood thinners (aspirin, vitamins, etc.) from the week before the operation.
- The patient’s eating and drinking actions should end approximately 2 hours before the operation.
Unfortunately, unethical and illegal practices in medical and surgical aesthetics and hair transplantation are frequently encountered in our country. Hair transplantation is a serious operation. According to our law, hair transplantation should be done by Plastic Surgeons, in operating room conditions and surgical centers.
We are at your service with our medical and surgical aesthetics and plastic surgery expert staff in the field of hair transplantation, legal and reliable environment.